The 14-day Namibian Experience is a combination of two of our most popular safaris, the 7 day Northern Adventure and the 7-day Southern Swing, and offers an extremely comprehensive safari tour of Namibia.

Depart from Windhoek and continue to the Kalahari area, from the Kalahari our journey takes us to the mighty Fish River Canyon and through the stark and tortured beauty of the Southern Namib and to the tiny fishing center of Luderitz. Continue to the Namib Desert where you spend 2 nights at Sesriem and Sossusvlei. Here you will stroll among the world’s highest sand dunes in the world’s oldest desert. We return to Windhoek for one night and then on the second half of the trip where the 7th night is included in the price in a quality Windhoek guest-house.

  • Kalahari Desert
  • Fish River Canyon
  • Etosha National Park
  • The dunes
  • Skeleton park

Full Itinerary

Price from  4970 per adult. Based on sharing double / twin rooms
Day 1 :
Windhoek to Kalahari Desert

We start our journey south on the main highway, traveling through the thin strip of Kalahari Desert that protrudes into the eastern side of Namibia.

The Kalahari Desert often surprises people when they first see it. It is very different from the Namib. First of all, remember that the Kalahari is not a desert. It receives more rain than a true desert should. The Kalahari is a fossil desert. Don’t expect to find tall Sossusvlei-style dunes devoid of greenery here. The Kalahari’s dunes are very different. They are often equally beautiful, but usually greener and less stark – and with this vegetation comes its ability to support more flora and fauna than a true desert.

Late this afternoon we hop onto an open vehicle for a late afternoon sunset drive. The style is limited participation, assisted camping with the participation limited to only helping with the tent.

Lodging: Budget camping in or near the Kalahari Desert

Meals: Full board

Day 2 :
Kalahari Desert to Fish River Canyon

An early morning departure to the town of Mariental and south to Keetmanshoop. Just outside the town you have the opportunity of visiting the Mesosaurus Fossil Site.

We travel via the town of Keetmanshoop for overnight camping on the Fish River area. Here you have the opportunity of seeing the Quivertree. Quiver trees are not in fact trees, they are a type of aloe, (Aloe Dichotoma), so called because the branches fork “dichotomously”. These weird-looking plants dot the landscape in this part of the world and are locally common, however, they are one of the world’s rarest flora species.

Lodging: Budget camping In or near Fish River Canyon

Meals: Full board

Day 3 :
Fish River Canyon to Aus

The Fish River Canyon in Namibia is (allegedly) the 2nd largest canyon in the world after the Grand Canyon. The immensity of this magnificent landscape is truly breathtaking. The towering rock faces and deep ravines were formed by water erosion and the collapse of the valley due to movements in the earth’s crust over 500 million years ago. Today the canyon measures 160 km long up to 27km wide and almost 550m at its deepest. It is fair to say that when you arrive at the canyon though, its exact location is a bit of a mystery as the 500m vertical drop from the flat dry plateau is completely out of view.

Time to pack up camp and move on to our next destination, the tiny town of Aus. We sleep tonight at Klein Aus Vista, a private reserve, beautifully located in the Aus Mountain Range, (Huib-Hoch-Plateau region.

Lodging: Budget camping In or near Aus

Meals: Full board

Day 4 :
Aus to Luderitz

Early morning departure for the short drive to Luderitz. We travel on the main road and keep a sharp look out for the unique Namib wild horses. We arrive in Luderitz in time to join an optional excursion, a trip on a catamaran. We take a cruise around Luderitz bay and, weather permitting, to Halifax Island to see the Jackass Penguins. Straight after the optional boat trip we drive out to Kolmanskop, a desert ghost town about 20 km out of Luderitz. It was built in the 1920’s during the diamond rush and was abandoned when bigger and better diamonds were found further along the coast. Lunch today is not included; this is to allow everybody as much flexibility with their time as possible and to give us the opportunity to sample some of the excellent local cafes. Returning to Klein Aus Vista in the late afternoon.

The “Catamaran Cruise” excursion is subject to availability and, if undertaken, will be for the client's own risk and expense.

Lodging: Budget camping In

Meals: Full board

Day 5:
Aus To Sesriem, Namib Desert

Turning north, we once again head deep into the ancient southern Namib, traveling on small gravel roads and passing some tiny rural communities along the way. The scenery is harsh, and sometimes forbidding. The process of erosion in these areas is well advanced and we pass time with rounded “koppies” arid terrain and outcrops of tortured rock.

Traversing this bleak yet beautiful landscape, the terrain begins to change and we cross some open grass savannah and farmlands before the terrain begins to give way to the immense red sand dune desert of the Namib. We aim to arrive at our camp during the late afternoon and watch the colors glow and change on distant mountains to the east.

Lodging: Budget camping In

Meals: Full board

Day 6:
Sossusvlei, Namib Desert - Sesriem – Sossusvlei – Sesriem (120 km)

A pre-dawn start is essential this morning as we want to catch the soft light of the sunrise in the desert. After passing through Sesriem, the gateway to the dunes and driving into the heart of the dune field, we reach Sossusvlei itself by walking the last 5 km through the dunes. The walk is like nothing else, in the cool of the morning, with soft sunlight just beginning to play over the dunes creating a sharp light and shadow contrast across the whole desert.

Ancient mineral pans, stunted camel thorn trees, and the chance of seeing a gemsbok or maybe an ostrich make the photo opportunities perfect. We spend the morning in and around Sossusvlei, also visiting dune 45, and as the day wears on we return to Sesriem for lunch to escape the heat of the afternoon. As the day cools off in the late afternoon we will take a short excursion to the Sesriem Canyon.

Lodging: Budget camping In

Meals: Full board

Day 7 :
Sesriem to Windhoek

After breakfast, we begin our journey, over the mountains and along scenic roads, back to Windhoek. We will travel over the Naukluft Mountains and also the KhomasHochland Range, through beautiful mountain passes on our way back to civilization.

We are due back into the city in the late afternoon / early evening and you will be dropped off at your accommodation on our return.

Lodging: Hotel Tamboti Mid-range

Meals: Full board

Day 8 :
Windhoek to Okonjima - Windhoek – Okonjima/Africat (300 km)

You will be collected between 08:30 & 09:00. We will travel north, stopping at small towns along the way including Okahandja, where we have time to visit Namibia’s largest wood carving market. Continuing north, passing through farmland, we aim to arrive at Okonjima during the middle of the afternoon, giving us time to set up our camp and to relax in the shade for a while before heading out into the property to take part in the afternoon’s activity.

Okonjima is the home of the Africat Foundation, a specialist conservation concern that centers its operations on the African Big Cats, particularly cheetahs. This afternoon you will be taken on a tour during which you will be able to meet, close-up-and-personal, some of the cheetahs that are going through the African rehabilitation program.

After our educational tour we will return to our camp and prepare for dinner under the African stars.

Lodging: Budget camping Inside

Meals: Full board

Day 9 :
Okonjima - Namutoni, Etosha National Park

An early start and continuing north we pass through some small towns, making short stops for fresh supplies and fuel. Continuing on to our East Etosha, Namutoni region camp we again aim to arrive in time for lunch, giving us time to relax before heading into the park during the cool of the late afternoon for our first game drive.

Lodging: Budget Camping Inside

Meals: Full board

Day 10 :
Namutoni - Okaukuejo, Etosha National Park

A full day’s game driving. Along the way we visit several waterholes and are afforded splendid views of the massive Etosha Pan. The game viewing is usually excellent and we have the chance to tick off a few new species that are not normally seen on the Namutoni side of the park. We stop at Halali for a rest and a leisurely lunch, before continuing on our way and game driving down to Okaukuejo, Etosha’s main rest camp and resort where we will check in and set up camp.

After your evening meal there are still more chances to see Etosha’s big game at a floodlit waterhole. The waterhole has been described as one of the “best game viewing opportunities in Southern Africa” and the ideal venue to witness peculiar animal politics. Black rhino, Africa’s tallest elephants, lion and numerous species of antelope are regular visitors during the cool, dry season.

Lodging: Budget camping Inside Etosha NP

Meals: Full board

Day 11 :
Okaukuejo - Grootberg

Leaving Etosha we begin our journey south with a relatively short drive to the small town of Kamanjab.

Within this area you have the opportunity of visiting a Himba Village – the only traditionally functioning Himba community outside the far north Kaokoland region of Namibia These tribes-people have migrated here, lifestyle and customs intact, and are following their traditional way-of-life in their village on a farm, the exact location of the site varies as the Himba occasionally roam to a new location.

From here it is a short drive on to The Hoada Community Campsite which is located among beautiful granite hills and mopane trees. To add an eco-friendly touch, the hot water system works in combination with the barbecue area, therefore whilst your meal is being prepared, your water will be warmed up for your shower!

Lodging: Budget camping In or near Himba Tribe Village

Meals: Full board

Day 12 :
Grootberg Area to Twyfelfontein

Today we head into one of the most beautiful desert regions in Namibia, Damaraland. We drive west via the Grootberg Pass and then take a detour to visit the ancient Bushman rock engravings at Twyfelfontein. At this location we will have a local guide to conduct us on a short guided tour before we set up camp for the night.

Lodging: Budget camping In

Meals: Full board

Day 13 :
Twyfelfontein to Swakopmund

From here we head deeper into the desert and pass Namibia’s highest mountain, The Brandberg, (2573 m), and more beautiful Damaraland scenery. We make a stop in the small town of Uis, an old mining town.

From here we turn directly west and cross the gravel plains on our way to the Atlantic Ocean and the Skeleton Coast. Meeting the ocean at HentiesBay, we first head north along the coast to visit the seal colony at CapeCross. At certain times of the year, as many as 100,000 Cape Fur seals congregate. The next destination is Swakopmund. We aim to arrive in the late afternoon giving us time to explore the town on foot before sunset. Tonight we take the chance to sample one of the excellent restaurants. Your guide will offer to organize a group meal in a local restaurant for this evening. Participation is recommended but by no means required. Dinner is for the client’s own account.

Lodging: Hotel located in Swakopmund

Meals: Full board

Day 14 :
Swakopmund to Windhoek

The drive back to Windhoek today will take about 4 and a half hours. We will depart around lunch-time, giving us time to spend the morning relaxing in Swakopmund.

Alternatively, there are various optional activities that can be arranged. These include airplane and microlight flights over the desert, scenic drives, fishing trips (both from the beach or in a boat), four-wheel motorcycle (quad bike) trips into the desert and over the sand dunes around Swakopmund, sand boarding trips (also in the dunes), skydiving, surfing, bird-watching and many other activities are available.

All extra activities and excursions in Swakopmund are subject to availability and are made at the client’s own risk and expense).

This is the last day of our trip and after lunch we will transfer you back to the capital city where you will be dropped off at your accommodation in the late afternoon / early evening.

End of tour

Tour Accommodation

Namibia Namibia

Himba Tribe Village


A small, intimate camp with just ten large, comfortable safari cabins offering high standards of accommodation and service, Oliver’s Camp is located in the quiet, animal-rich eastern sector of Tarangire National Park. The camp is uniquely licensed to offer walking tours and night game drives (both at additional cost) within the national park for the opportunity of incredible encounters with elephants and other big game as well as the smaller creatures.

The spacious guest tents are furnished in a traditional African style and raised on wooden platforms sheltered under thatch roofs. There are mosquito nets and spray, a radio (to contact reception), a torch, digital safe, solar powered lights and a large canvas wardrobe. Each tent has a private deck with sun loungers and a private bathroom. There is also a special honeymoon and family cabin available. There are no power sockets in the tents: batteries can be charged in the main tent.

Inside the main communal tent is a communal dining table and comfortable lounge area. Meals are delicious and mainly a mix of African and continental dishes.

The lodge also provides a complimentary laundry service and local drinks.

Swimming Pool
Air Conditioning

Restaurant, lounge, private bathrooms, solar-powered lighting, digital safe, mosquito net and spray.

Local Wildlife

The park is famous for its large numbers of elephant, particularly in the dry season. Buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, greater kudu and eland can also be easily seen here. There is a small population of tree-climbing lion and African wild dog. Leopards are widespread throughout the park. The very rare fringe-eared oryx can be seen on occasion. African rock python is often found resting in acacia trees close to wetlands near Silale: other reptiles include puff adders, Speke’s hinged and pancake tortoises. Birdlife is also impressive and includes secretary bird, martial and crested eagles and the endemic yellow-collared lovebird.

Optional Activities

Game drives and walking safaris, plus optional night drives (at an additional cost)

Namibia Namibia

Hotel located in Swakopmun

Route Map


  • Transport in a safari vehicle with a pop-up roof
  • English speaking guide & camp assistant
  • 5 nights of camping & camping equipment
  • 3 nights accommodation
  • Meals (B x8 L x8, D x7)
  • National park & site entry fees
  • Game driving on Mount Etjo Game Reserve
  • Game drives in Etosha
  • Himba Village Visit
  • Visit to Cape Cross Seal Colony
  • Guided excursion to Sossusvlei
  • Cheetah experience at Solitaire
  • Pick up & drop off at accommodation
  • Pickup info: Pick up from accommodation starts at 7h15 on the morning of departure
  • Bookings are made on a twin share basis, single tents/rooms are available on request and subject to availability and single supplement


  • Personal travel insurance
  • Visas and visa applications / We can help prepare your visa
  • Staff gratuities


Want to get up close and personal with your favorite wildlife, sir back and relax, or tackle a challenging adventure? Choose your safari!

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The Kalahari is the largest sand basin in the world. Almost devoid of rock

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Good Earth Expeditions is one of the most trusted expedition guides in Nevada/California, Tanzania. For more than 20 years, we have continued to serve our travelers with affordable and top-class expeditions services personalized to meet their needs and desires, guaranteeing amazing, incredible, and irresistible experiences. Here’s why you should trust us to handle your adventure holiday packages to your favorite destinations.

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